Raghunath Mohapatra
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Ashapurna Devinka Atma Katha written by Raghunath Mohapatra published by Kahani..
Faturananda Ka Srestha Hasya Galpa written by Raghunath Mohapatra published by Agraduta..
Madhab Satpathinka Sresthagalpa is written by Raghunath Mohapatra & Published by Mita Books..
Madhaba Chandra Satapathynka Shrestha Galpa written by Raghunath Mohapatra published by Agraduta..
Shree Satya Sai written by Raghunath Mohapatra published by Orissa Book Store..
Sri Satya Sai Galpamala written by Raghunath Mohapatra published by Agraduta..
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