Quick Bed Side Prescriber with Relationship of Remedies and Role of Homoeopathy in Surgery.
Paperback, B Jain Publishers (P) Ltd, Sixth Revised and Enlarged Edition, by Dr J N Singhal
Also available in Odia
In today's era, as literacy levels are growing, people are moving towards natural system of medicine, realising the harmful effects of the conventional system. They want to keep themselves away from Surgeon's knife as well as unwanted medication. The book Quick Bedside Presciber is devised for the same class of people who believe in the natural art of healing. The ailments with recommended medicines are covered alphabetically. First the ailment is explaned elaborately, then the medicines which can treat it effectively. This book will be useful for those who have interest in homeopathy and want to use homeopathy for themselves and their family. Its a labour saving device and a ready reckoner, providing therapeutic pointers not only in common ailments but even in cases of emergencies.
Quick Bed Side Prescriber Dr J N Singhal
- Source: Dynamic Homeo Center
- Product Code: DYNHC006
- Sold by Dynamic Homeopathic Centre
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- Availability: In Stock
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